The Dutch Government Is Working to Phase Out ALL Animal Experiments--With PETA's Help!

2016-10-10 17:17


happy mouse

Dear Eirini,

We have exciting news.

In a historic move, the Netherlands is taking a major stand for animal—and human—rights! The Dutch government is working to end animal experimentation completely—and PETA scientists were asked to help.

The Netherlands has already passed a motion in Parliament to phase out experiments on nonhuman primates, and now its goal is to be using only human-relevant, non-animal testing methods by 2025. This groundbreaking action is the first of its kind by any country. It reflects both today's innovations in cutting-edge science and changing attitudes about the morality of using animals in experiments. It is a momentous step that will save countless animals and, hopefully, inspire other countries to make similar changes.

We are thrilled that the Netherlands continues to strive for ethical animal-free science and look forward to the day when cutting open, drugging, poisoning, shooting, burning, and electrocuting animals is relegated to the garbage heap of history.

Read the full story and show your support for animal-free testing by tweeting your thanks to the Dutch government:

Please also take action for monkeys who are suffering at Primate Products, Inc., a facility that breeds monkeys for use in deadly experiments.

Thanks for your support and for all that you do for animals.



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ΕιρήνηΠική, BSc, MA, PhD (Cand.)

Ψυχολόγος με ειδίκευση στην Ψυχοθεραπεία


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